Dicese de un par de contratadas como cuidadoras para justificar
que durante mas de treinta años han simulado
hacer un trabajo , cuya responsabilidad pretenden zafarse, profiriendo falsos
testimonios contra los progenitores del causante. Resulta que a sabiendas que
todo lo que han hecho durante ese tiempo era falso, dado que cobrar 500 €, mas
lo que le daban los organismos públicos para ejercer su actividad ,mas lo que disponían
a su antojo en la misión, siguen insistiendo que las teatreras son otras y no
ellas,, si lloraban en silencio, era porque , se les había terminado el negocio,
me refiero ,el de los 500 € , el tener la llave la misión, para hacerse con
todo lo que generaba el causante y lo que le daban los organismos públicos por
prestar ese servicio. Al final se sabe todo, los resultados están a la vista,
el supuesto abandono , del cual se pretenden escudar las gemelas no es otro que
el suyo propio y esa falta de obligación de hacer que estaban incumpliendo de
forma reiterada, y que un buen dia, les estalló en las manos el objeto que
manipulaban de forma temeraria a su antojo, durante muchos años,, hablan l de
30 años de abandono, menos mal que han cantado, y si las cuentas no fallan,se
han llevado un buen pellizco,180.000 €, que deberían de indemnizar a los que acusan
de abandono. Esa es la cuantía indemnizable por las teatreras a los herederos del
Sii no quieres mojarte
Nada en rio seco
Dejemos Q.P.D OKy
It is said of a couple of women hired as caregivers to
justify that for more than thirty years they have pretended to do a job, whose
responsibility they intend to escape, uttering false testimonies against the
parents of the deceased. It turns out that knowing that everything they have
done during that time was false, given that charging €500, plus what the public
organizations gave them to carry out their activity, plus what they had at will
in the mission, they continue to insist that the Others are theatrical and not
them, if they cried in silence, it was because their business had run out, I
mean, the one with the €500, having the key to the mission, to take over
everything generated by the deceased and given by public bodies for providing
this service. In the end, everything is known, the results are in sight, the
alleged abandonment, from which the twins intend to shield themselves, is none
other than their own and that lack of obligation to do that they were
repeatedly failing, and that one good day , the object that they recklessly
manipulated at will, for many years, exploded in their hands, they speak of 30
years of abandonment, luckily they have sung, and if the accounts are correct,
they have taken a good pinch, €180,000, which should compensate those accused
of abandonment. That is the amount compensable for the theaters to the heirs of
the deceased